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Brand Brainstorm

Your brand identity is how your audience perceives you.

Snap Marketing puts it in even simpler terms, stating:

"A brand identity is the face of your business."

To prepare for your strategy session -- we've got a few questions about the brand we are bringing to life. Answer as many questions as you can, to the best of your ability. It's ok if you change your mind during the strategy session -- this helps us to get an understanding of the vision you have for you brand.

Client Details

Your Name

Your Strategy Session Date

Strategy Session Brainstorm


What are some brands you admire?

What is the story/inspiration/motivation behind your brand?

What style/type of website and/or logos inspire you?

Describe the website and/or logo(s) or list/link websites for viewing
Optional file upload:


What does your company do? Can you condense this into just a few bullet points or sentences?

What is the "personality" of your business? 

If your brand were a person, who would it be? This could be a type of person or a famous celebrity.


How would you describe your target customers? What are their interests, passions, needs, and personalities? 

COMPETITION: Where do your ideal customers currently go to receive services identical to or similar to yours?

Feel free to provide links to websites!

What 3-5 words do you want to come to mind when your clients think of your brand?

Please share any other details you'd like us to know!